Employee Information

The links listed below include state and federal posters.


Minimum Wage Poster: Attention Miscellaneous Industry Employees (LS207) (ny.gov) 

FMLA: fmlaen.pdf (dol.gov)

Safety & Health: p208_public_employees_job_safety_health_protection.pdf (ny.gov)

OSHA Safety & Health: Job Safety and Health: It's the Law! (osha.gov)

Discrimination Rights: poster.pdf (ny.gov) 

Know Your Rights: Know Your Rights: WOrkplace Discrimination is Illegal (dol.gov)

Retaliatory Action by Employers: Notice of Employee Rights, Protections, and Obligations LS740 (ny.gov)

Veterans Benefits & Services: Veteran Benefits and Services (P37) (ny.gov) 

Fair Labor Standards Act- Federal Minimum Wage: minwagep.pdf (dol.gov)

Construction Industry Fair Play Act: ia999_construction_industry_fair_play_act_poster.pdf (ny.gov)

Public Work Project: *Public Work Project (PW101) (ny.gov)